Sunday 27 January 2013

Nostalgia: Tropical Break……Fast (survival)

Disclaimer: The Nostalgia series will feature old pieces unedited.


Sir Winston Churchill said:

"For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else." 

I am an optimist by nature and nurture , sometimes it’s a blessing, others it’s a curse. But in the end of the day there is always a valuable lesson. This is a series of journals/diary entries or what can be called a mere flow of thoughts. Some of it might not make sense to anyone, you might not be able to relate to it, but I do hope it leaves a trace.

Tropical Break……Fast (survival)

Dear Diary,

The refreshing aroma of the ever juicy papaya soared as my glistening silver knife pierced through its flesh, and I stabbed it with my fork preparing it to receive my fatal kiss. I paused, as the ocean breeze concealed my face with my loose scarf, threatening to blow it off. I tightened the grip of my veil around my head and turned my sight to the ocean that was trying to grab my attention.

The echo of the never ending conversation between the wind and the ocean tickled my eardrums. I placed the stabbed papaya down, stood up and followed the mysterious drive that led me to the water.

I stood, watching the monsoon waves crash vigorously on the damp sand. And as the tranquil shore scattered the powerful waters to frail drops, it hit me; something so quiet and stationary and clam can in fact break something so potent and mighty and such is life….

Nevertheless, the waves regenerated, just as strong, high and striking.

People ask me; How come you’re so optimistic? And I wish I had one answer that would make sense to the ever complex human mind, but I don’t since optimism is a projection of a much higher echelon of consciousness a combination of intellect, sentiments and circumstances. One of the many interpretations I have lies in the human nature. It the desire to survive, I believe that the desire to pull through hardships resides within every soul. However, some people don’t realize it does, other people don’t understand it, but most people in fact are clueless on how to actually survive.

The bottom line is, the need to survive enhances the hopes of making it.

“When there’s a will, there’s a way”.

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