Monday 7 May 2012

A preamble if I may: Life , The Universe and Everything

Life , The Universe and Everything :

The idea of a blog scares me, perhaps because my first attempt at one went south briefly after I started, or perhaps because I don't know what I would write about or whether it would be worth reading, whether I should follow a pattern or a scheme or just let it flow in whatever fashion it pleases .
Not too serious , but not too sarcastic , not too brief but not too lengthily , not too cynical but not too perky , not too ..... Wait a minute! I'm obsessing , again!
Adam suggested that the best way to go about it is to just go ,and if it happens that it comes out as neurotic as I am, oh well then the real purpose has been achieved , whatever that purpose is! So, thank you Adam! 

This blog will be a series of rants on what Adam and I think of life , the universe and everything , sometimes , it can be as simple as 42 ( geek reference #1) and sometimes it can be slightly more complicated . So buckle up!

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